
Our well as our grant applications to renovate our Scout Hut we also have to fund raise to meet our running costs.

We have to pay all the heating and electricity bills, the water and buildings insurance. Because the Scout Group owns the building we also pay rates. Each year the 1st Withington pays something called ‘capitation’ to the Scout Association which is an annual accident insurance premium.

As well as the weekly subscriptions the Scout Group also organises a number of fund-raising activities during the year. We have sponsored walks and bikes rides and we ‘bag pack’ at local supermarkets. Each year we take a stall at the Old Moat Fun Day and sell refreshments.

We ask parents to help out as much as possible with our fund-raising activities.

Do you shop online?
Maybe at Amazon, Sainburys or M&S? You can help us raise funds by registering with (the cause is ‘1st Withington Scouts’). Our group will get a small percentage of the sale at no cost to you. It’s perfectly safe and you still deal direct with the supplier. Easy money!

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