Summer Subs 2019 By john_williams on 08/05/2019 (updated 08/05/2019) In Uncategorized / Tags: Everyone / 0 comments Dear Parents & Guardians, Thank you for supporting the group by paying for your child’s subscriptions. Membership Subscriptions for the current term are now due. The fee per term is: – Beavers £29 or £2.40 per week Cubs £31 or £2.60 per week Scouts £36 or £3 per week When do we need to pay? Currently, we have been using a term-based payment and Summer terms payment is now due. However, we would like to move to a set monthly payment come September 2019, so this term will be the last payment using this method. Why the change? We want to get more streamlined by using the Scout Association’s online system, it will help by making such things as collection and banking easier for the Scout Leaders, help reduce costs for camps, introduce payment plans for activities/camps if required and make collecting Gift Aid easier. What are my child’s subs for? Here are just some of the things that your subs pay for: · Activities on section nights · Badges · Buying equipment (e.g. tents, camping equipment, materials for activities) · Activity & HQ Insurance (“Capitation” is charged by the Scout Association, this is currently over £35.00 for each member of the Group) · Maintenance of the building, grounds and gardening · Utilities, lighting, heating, water rates and waste collection · Weekly cleaning of the building Sibling discount We have agreed that you only pay for the first 2 children. Gift Aid If you are a UK taxpayer you can gift aid your subs, which means you pay the same amount, but the tax man will give us the tax back, which is another £7 per child. It’s the easiest fundraising we will ever do! There will be an email link being sent shortly. How much do Leaders get paid? Not a sausage! Well, that’s not quite true – sometimes we do a barbecue and then the leaders get to eat a sausage or two if they’re left over. The leaders volunteer their time and skills without payment. How can I pay? The Group’s preferred method of payment for subs and events is by Direct Debit via Online Scout Manager (OSM). This is collected via GoCardless, our payments processor. This Direct Debit mandate is used for subs and one-off event payments; we won’t ever take money without your explicit permission, every time. A payment link will be sent over shortly However, we can also accept cash either monthly or weekly. If financial hardship is being experienced by a family, then parents/carers should get in touch with me. We do have a discretionary fund which can help with the cost of scouting, but we only know there’s an issue if you get in touch. Many thanks John Williams Group Scout Leader