Posts by: john_williams

Autumn 2020 Update

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Group Chat


I’ll start with the request at the top of the page as I need your help! There is a virutal AGM on December 10th 8pm, we have a couple of vacancies that need filling; (Chair / Secretary)

For more information please contact me.

Zoom link is below

Covid -19

As yet we are still not able to return to face to face scouting, we have put our risk assesments in and are awaiting approval from HQ, the safety of the children and volunteers is paramount.

Thank you

This year has been very taxing, we have had to try and develop a programme to keep children entertained as we have never in the history of scouting done virtual sessions. I would just like to inform you that Matthew “Hutch” Hutchinson, and Tom Warn earnt commisoner commendations for an engaging program.

I would also like to thank Ellen Newman and Shannon Schofield for your time with Withington and we wish you every sucess in the future and you are always welcome to join us.

I would also like to thank David Woodhams and Richard Lees for all their work and being part of the exec team.

Lastly I would like to thank you, and your families for being part of this amazing group, at times i have stuggled with the darker side of covid, but the sessions are a ray of light in dark times.

Some groups are looking at closure becuase of lack of children, leader or funds. We have been fortunate that we will survive and next year thrive.

Finally, next year we will be back to face to face scouting, and its our 110th year so lets hit it big and make this group the best, lets share the light!

Yours in Scouting

John Williams 07912 515 570


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Dear Parents and Guardians.

As you are all no doubt aware; the global situation that is currently affecting all areas of everyday life, COVID-19, is having a serious impact nationally. In recent days several events have been cancelled due to fears of the virus spreading.

As a district, we have reviewed the situation and will continue to do so. I would therefore like to inform you of the current stance and what to expect if the situation develops further.

We take the safety and health of all our members seriously, therefore we will be following the same advice that has been given out by Public Health England to schools and workplaces.

Do not send your child to a meeting or event if they show the symptoms of highlighted by the government as a cause for concern. 

persistent cough (that wasn’t there before) 
fever (a high temperature) 
shortness of breath

If your child does show any of these symptoms please self-isolate for 7 days as per Public Health England advice. If your child’s school is closed because of a potential outbreak of COVID-19 then we ask you do not send them to a meeting or event. In this case the District Team will make a decision with local groups that could mean the groups themselves could close.

As you are aware as of today, Thursday 12th March 2020, the government entered the ‘Delay’ stage. All events will be risk assessed as appropriate at the time following the most up to date advice from the government and The Scout Association. If we do need to cancel any events or meetings we will communicate with the group leaders, who in turn will inform all parents and guardians.

We ask that you communicate with your Group Leaders for information about issues that may arise because of these decisions, but as this is a fast moving development globally as well as locally we need to be vigilant. Please inform us if your child is asked to self-isolate as we may be required to take action ourselves. Please be assured that information supplied to us will remain confidential.

For the very latest information, visit the following Government website:

I would like to thank all parents who have made enquiries regarding this situation, and would like to inform you that we are continuing to monitor the situation. If your child has to self-isolate, we will ensure their place is reserved at their group until they are able to return. If you have any further questions, please direct them to the Group Leadership in the first instance, if they are unable to offer a response, they will be forwarded onto myself and I will answer as quickly as I can. As soon as the situation calms to where we can make more long term plans, I will update you on what has been agreed and what we are doing going forward. Thank you for your patience and understanding in this matter.



Dene Bonar

District Commissioner, Manchester South District.

1st Withington Scouts Winter Update

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Group Chat

I would like this opportunity to say thank you for making me feel welcome and I was absolutely taken a back with the turn out for the BBQ and AGM.

Children wise – We are now getting full and now with some sections having to run a waiting list, which is amazing.

Leader/Helper wise – We are growing the team, but we still need more help, so please don’t be shy to step forward.

I am also pleased that there are a few camps, expeditions and WOW activities being planned over the next term

The next challenge for the group is to get out and Scouting, doing enjoyable & challenging program, and being part of the community. If you have any ideas then please let the leadership team know.

We have a couple of big events that we are trying to organise and for 2020, we want to be one of the most active & enjoyable groups in the area.

Many Thanks

John Williams

07912 515 570

Very Important – Facebook Page

We have a problem with the current members page and we will need to close the current one down and move to a new one, the new group will be

Good News Headlines

  1. For the first time in 5+ years we have had our first Gold Chief Scouts Award recipients; Ben, George and Alex.
  2. The increased number of Cubs on a Wednesday now mean that the section is saved.
  3. We now have 30 Children on the waiting list; we need to consider opening another beaver colony
  4. This coming term we are trying to create a waiting area in the old “green room” at the back so when you are waiting to collect your children you are not in the bad weather.
  5. Rebranding – We are having a necker change; there will be no cost to the children but we trying to build a brand and show the reboot that we are undergoing.

Bad News / Action Required

  1. The huts store room roof collapsed in October; the insurance company have been awkward in paying out and has taken far too much time to get back to normal.
  2. The hut is need a lot of maintenance, and we need to create a working party to help with some one off projects – e.g. Painting the green room
  3. We need more leaders and helpers, Ellen – Aleka for Thursday Cubs will be leaving us is summer and we will need to form a succession plan

Section Updates


Tom and Angela are doing amazing job, the number of Beavers has grown.

We hoping that we are going to be awarding a number of Bronze awards in the next few months.

Tom and Angela could do with an additional pair of hands to enable the group to grow further.

We are now looking at setting up a parent rota to help. If you have any interest in running a session based on your skills or job feel free to contact Tom, for example Angela who is a science teacher ran the Experiment activity badge.

Cubs Wednesday

This was the smaller group with 9 members, but with the extra capacity we are rapidly growing.

I will be running the group until we can get a full time Section Leader, so if you know anyone that might be interested then please get in touch.

Currently I need some help, I have setup a Parent Rota within OSM please if you are free could you sign up, it would be greatly appreciated.

The program has now been organised and should be published through OSM.

We are now looking at setting up a parent rota to help.

Cubs Thursday

Thank you to Ellen Newman who has taken the helm of Thursday Cubs; unfortunately, she is moving on in July, so we do need to do some succession planning.

Thank you to the young leaders Nellie, Ellie & Daniel they are doing some amazing stuff. 

I would like to also like to introduce Shannon as the packs new (ACSL) Assistant Cub Scout Leader.

Currently we need some help, we have setup a Parent Rota within OSM please if you are free could you sign up, it would be greatly appreciated.

The program has now been organised and should be published through OSM.


The programme for Scouts is now published on OSM the team is led by Matthew “Hutch” Hutchinson, Kat, Colin, Charlie, & Alex.

Scouts finished 2019 growing to 4 patrols, 2020 year hoping for we are hoping to grow to 5. A caving session and a trip to games workshop to cover the model making badge are already in the works. We are hoping to have an indoor camp in the next few months and then more outdoor camps when the weather improves.


The Scouts have seen a huge growth in numbers growing by 1/3. The team have done amazing and we are now looking at getting out and doing some WOW scouting. 

Greg & Alice could do with another helping hand.

Dates for the Diary

  • Scouts (13+) Expedition September 27th -29th 
  • Skills Camp – Details to Follow October 25th – 27th
  • Remembrance Sunday 10th November

Gift Aid

If you are a UK Tax Payer you can “Gift Aid” your Subs, which costs you nothing but the Government give the group and additional 25%.

Group Chat

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I would like this opportunity to say thank you for making me feel welcome and I was absolutely taken a back with the turn out for the BBQ and AGM.

Children wise – We are now getting full and now with some sections having to run a waiting list, which is amazing.

Leader/Helper wise – We are growing the team, but we still need more help, so please don’t be shy to step forward.

I am also pleased that there are a few camps, expeditions and activities being planned.

The next challenge for the group is to get out and Scouting, doing an enjoyable & challenging program, and being part of the community.

We have a couple of big events that we are trying to organise and for 2020, we want to be one of the most active groups in the area.

Many Thanks
John Williams
07912 515 570

Section Updates


Tom and Angela are doing amazing job, the number of Beavers has grown.

We hoping that we are going to be awarding a number of Bronze awards in the next few months.

Tom and Angela could do with an addtional pair of hands.

Cubs Wednesday

This was the smaller group with 9 members, but with the extra capacity we are rapidly growing.

I will be running the group until we can get a full time Section Leader, so if you know anyone that might be interested then please get in touch.

Currently I need some help, I have setup a Parent Rota within OSM please if you are free could you sign up, it would be greatly apricated.

The program has now been organised and should be published through OSM.

Cubs Thursday

We have managed to increase the leadership team, and Ellen Newman has agreed to become the Section Leader, we are just completing the planning and we will advise you via OSM.


The Scouts have seen a huge growth in numbers growing by 1/3. The team have done amazing and we are now looking at getting out and doing some WOW scouting. Currently they are planning for Skills Camp and the Silver Expedition.

Dates for the Diary

  • Scout Expedition September 27th -29th 
  • Skills Camp – Details to Follow October 25th – 27th
  • Remembrance Sunday 10th November

More details will be publish on OSM

Update from The AGM

It was agreed that the subs

1 – Move to monthly payments, ideally via OSM and paid every month – i.e. 12 monthly payments per year.

2 – New Subs levels for the year starting Sept 2019 and Sept 2020 to allow us to reach a common level of subs across all groups..

  • Beavers Subs £10 per month
  • Cubs Subs £11 per month
  • Scout Subs £12 per month
  • Explorer Subs £12 per month

All existing other arrangements would stay in place such as sibling discounts.

Gift Aid

If you are a UK Tax Payer you can “Gift Aid” your Subs, which costs you nothing but the Government give the group and additional 25%.

Shooting Group

Thank you to Colin Henstock (Scouts) for doing the first shooting day at the hut, I have challenged him to run the group on a more regular basis and lets see if we can get a Withington Scout in the National Competition.

Cubs Update

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As you might be aware Allanah is leaving Cubs and moving onto new pastures; we wish her every success, her last night will be 23rd of May.

I have started to work with both packs over the last couple of weeks…. There might be confusion around me I have many names John, Panda and Ikki (I’m the same person, Cub Leaders names traditionally come from the Jungle Book, and there aren’t pandas in the Jungle Book, so I became the black and white porcupine -Ikki)

After the half-term break, I am aiming to run both nights until we can find additional leader(s) and helpers, I have started a recruitment drive and started to get some people interested….  but until then we have several obstacles to consider.


Legally the Cubs need the following leader to adult help

“Other than two adults being present there is no minimum ratio of adults to Cub Scouts set for regular indoor Pack meetings.

The minimum ratio for outdoor activities and nights away events is 1 adult to 8 Cub Scouts plus the Leader in charge.”

Cubs Number of children Adults Required Indoor Adults Required Outdoor
Wednesday Night 10 2 3
Thursday Night 18 2 4

Personally, I don’t like running on the minimum; and maybe we need to set up a parent rota….. I need your help


The program should be fun entertaining and education; the Scout Association will allow us to do most sports and activities; the more dangerous ones are controlled through the permit schemes like shooting and archery.

Please have a chat with the children and see what they would like to do as I want to give them amazing life skills and memories.

If it’s fun for them and for the helpers; it means we get smiles and more leaders and children that would like to be involved.

Contact & Medical Records

Please ensure that Online Scout Manager (OSM) manager is up to date with your children’s details, medical records and allergies as this is the go-to place for the leadership team if we ever need the information.

Action Points

  • Can you stay to help? even just one session?
  • Parent Rota
  • What would the children like to do?
  • Most Importantly – If we are outside, I will need parental support, or the activity can’t happen!

If you would like a chat please email or call me.

Many thanks

John Williams

Group Scout Leader

Summer Subs 2019

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Dear Parents & Guardians,

Thank you for supporting the group by paying for your child’s subscriptions. 

Membership Subscriptions for the current term are now due. The fee per term is: –

  • Beavers £29 or £2.40 per week  
  • Cubs £31 or £2.60 per week  
  • Scouts £36 or £3 per week  

When do we need to pay?

Currently, we have been using a term-based payment and Summer terms payment is now due. However, we would like to move to a set monthly payment come September 2019, so this term will be the last payment using this method.

Why the change?

We want to get more streamlined by using the Scout Association’s online system, it will help by making such things as collection and banking easier for the Scout Leaders, help reduce costs for camps, introduce payment plans for activities/camps if required and make collecting Gift Aid easier.

What are my child’s subs for?

Here are just some of the things that your subs pay for:

·      Activities on section nights

·      Badges

·      Buying equipment (e.g. tents, camping equipment, materials for activities)

·      Activity & HQ Insurance (“Capitation” is charged by the Scout Association, this is currently over £35.00 for each member of the Group)

·      Maintenance of the building, grounds and gardening

·      Utilities, lighting, heating, water rates and waste collection

·      Weekly cleaning of the building

Sibling discount

We have agreed that you only pay for the first 2 children.  

Gift Aid

If you are a UK taxpayer you can gift aid your subs, which means you pay the same amount, but the tax man will give us the tax back, which is another £7 per child. It’s the easiest fundraising we will ever do! There will be an email link being sent shortly. 

How much do Leaders get paid?

Not a sausage! Well, that’s not quite true – sometimes we do a barbecue and then the leaders get to eat a sausage or two if they’re left over. The leaders volunteer their time and skills without payment.

How can I pay?

The Group’s preferred method of payment for subs and events is by Direct Debit via Online Scout Manager (OSM). This is collected via GoCardless, our payments processor. This Direct Debit mandate is used for subs and one-off event payments; we won’t ever take money without your explicit permission, every time.

A payment link will be sent over shortly

However, we can also accept cash either monthly or weekly. 

If financial hardship is being experienced by a family, then parents/carers should get in touch with me. We do have a discretionary fund which can help with the cost of scouting, but we only know there’s an issue if you get in touch.

Many thanks

John Williams

Group Scout Leader

Pub Quiz facts

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Scouts are:-
• 17% more likely to demonstrate leadership skills
• 11% more likely to be better problem solvers
• 19% more likely to show emotional intelligence
• 17% more likely to be able to work well in teams. Physical and mental wellbeing
• Scouts are 32% more likely to be physically active than young people who don’t take part in Scouting.

Community impact

• Scouts are one-third more likely to take an active role in their communities
• Scouts are one-third more to help out in their local area, feel greater responsibility to their local community and volunteer to help others
• Scouts are 18% more likely to be curious about the world around them and 12% more likely to accept diversity in other people’s backgrounds and beliefs.

More importantly, we are part of Withington and growing.

I have started to volunteer with the group and I have 3  objectives:
• Inform, educate and wow the young people of Withington
• Grow and be part of the community. focusing on voluntary work, projects etc..
• Increase the number of volunteers – I desperately need more adult helpers

What I do I need from you?

I need adult helpers, no experience necessary. Training will be given

if you care, share! If you could, you should!

Thank you and warm welcome from me

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Dear Parents & Guardians,

As you might already know Sharon and Allanah are standing down after many years of service to the group, so I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you for their dedication and support.

Here is a little about me, my name is John Williams, I have volunteered to take on the role of Group Scout Leader. I’ve been a Cub, Scout, Venture, Beaver Leader and then left the organization to have a family and when my son & daughter joined Beavers and I re-joined. I have been a Cub Leader for the last 7 years in Heald Green.

I am a firm believer in the organisation’s goals and values and I know that we make a positive difference in young people’s lives for however long they are with us. I believe we should educate, inform and inspire.

Scout Fact: Did you know? Of the 24 astronauts to travel to the moon, 20 were Scouts, including 11 of the 12 moonwalkers, and all three members of the crew of Apollo 13.

Scouting is for the children but it’s great for adults too, my aim is not to change what works but I truly believe that we should do WOW not woah.

So, what do I need? YOU… I am looking for some helpers & volunteers to help with the running with your Group, be this on an occasional basis or something a bit more regular.

For more information please see your leaders or contact me.

Yours in Scouting


John Williams

Group Scout Leader

07912 515 570